Thursday, October 22, 2020

Programming in C- Exercises


1. Write a c program to calculate area of a rectangle.
2.  Calculate the area of a circle and modify the same program to calculate the volume of a cylinder given its radius and height.(Entered by the user).
3. Write a program to Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit and Vice Versa.(Entered by the user).
4. Write a program to calculate simple Interest for a set of values representing principal, no of years and rate of interest.(Both)
5. Write a program to show arithmetic operations like + - * / between two numbers.(Entered by the user)
6. Write a program to print an integer (Entered by the user).

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Programming in C


What is Computer Program?

What is Program Semantic?

What is the meaning of Program Syntax?

Programming Languages Overview

Characteristics of High level languages

Procedural languages

Object Oriented Programming language

Compiler and Interpreter

Friday, August 2, 2019


Write down algorithm of the following and also make flow chart
        1.        Find the sum, product and average of five given numbers.
        2.        Find acceleration of a moving object with given mass and the force applied.
        3.        Find the volume of a cube, cylinder or sphere.
        4.        Find the area of a triangle, parallelogram, rhombus or trapezium.
        5.        Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature and vice versa.
        6.        Display the larger one out of the three given unequal numbers.
        7.        Assign grade to a subject based on the achieved marks.
        8.        Find the interest on an amount.
        9.        Produce a multiplication table for a given number.
     10.     Determine whether a given number is prime number or not.
     11.     Generate a sequence of odd numbers starting from a given number.
     12.     Generate a sequence of even numbers starting from a given number.
     13.     Prepare an electricity bill including number of units consumed, price per unit, government sales tax (GST) and total amount to be paid within due date and 10% surcharge after due date.